
Hi friends,
I'm so happy to invite you to Easy Does It, the art-making community I've been dreaming up for us: an easy and rich space to explore making art that is satisfying, personal, tactile, honest. You're invited to check it out here and have a look around.
Tell me about it:
If you've been around a while you might be familiar with the stories I've been doing on Instagram now for years (many of them are saved if you look at the top of my profile). I love making self-paced guides: rich in photos and distilled writing that offers some perspective and instruction mixed in with all the stories and questions I carry with me everywhere. Learning something new is a physical part of rewiring our brains, which is exactly what is happening when we heal. With this approach I'll be writing pieces that are hybrid essay - instruction - photo gallery. I'll include practical things to try, occasional videos demonstrating the ideas, art supply recommendations and reviews, etc. You can read more here.
What's the format?
- There will be one big guide each month and then 1-3 other smaller pieces throughout the month. These will come to you as an email and be available at our home base. I've also created a Discord (chat room space) for us to use for making friends, asking questions and sharing what we are making.
- I will also be hosting a live, online painting session with me where we can hang out, get to know each other a bit, ask questions and go deeper into the month's theme. This is available as an upgrade just for those who would like it.
- You can read more about it all here.
There are two tiers:
- Water Tier - access to everything
- Light Tier - access to everything + a live, monthly online painting session with me where we can hang out, get to know each other a bit, ask questions and go deeper into the month's theme. The link to the live will made available to Light Tier members after each session.
Access is available on a monthly basis. We love having you with us and find that the deepest progress is made when we are consistently engaging our creative selfs, but life happens too, and so we've made it very easy to join and cancel anytime.
To join, click here.
I hope this space is your encouraging art friend. Your trauma-informed creativity class. Your somatic practice. A place for some fun when everything else feels serious. A way to rest without getting lost in dissociation. A place for some ease where the stakes aren't so high, and you can feel how nice it is to be just who you are right now.
Thank you so much for your interest and encouragement which has energized me so much.Once you've had a look around at Easy Does It, please let me know if there are any questions I can answer. I appreciate you!