EDI Live: Today! 12pm PST

I'm looking forward to seeing all you Light Tier friends (join us here and come to class!) here in about a half and hour. I mentioned this is yesterday's post but wanted to float it up to the top: we're going to play with zines and folded art today in class, so if you want to join in, grab some loose paper, ideally letter sized or bigger, but if you end up ripping a page out of a small sketchbook you'll be able to make something special to.

I'll be using acrylic gouache and pens I think, but this is a great mixed media exercise, so collect up whatever has some spark for you today – crayons, collage clippings, watercolor. Just go with what has the most energy.

I've made two zines that I've ended up sharing publicly. One is called Overwhelmed and the other is The Carrier. I'm including the panels here as I think I'll talk a little about them during our class.

The Carrier


Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Here's the event link: