Something interesting and beautiful (& 2 months free!)

Hello dear artists,

To celebrate the ending of the year and the start of the new year (and you all know how I feel about beginning, beginning, and beginning again), I am offering 2 months free with yearly memberships.

I'm excited to keep creating, reflecting and playing with you all as we move into the future, come what may. Art is a human constant not a luxury. We cannot know what marvels and griefs are coming our way. But we can always bring ourselves back to the sketchbook for some honest and body-led markmaking.

When we don't have the words, we will listen to the gentle whoosh of graphite dragging on paper. When we don't have time, we will sit with paint as it dries. When things move too quickly, we sill stop to collect up the colors, shapes and phrases that we encounter, one sketchbook page at a time.

Isn't that incredible to think about? All the ways we will feel inspired and curious, sparked by experiences we haven't had yet, but most certainly will? How reliable it is that we will cross paths with something interesting and beautiful that will light us up?

I hope you'll join me. This community means a lot to me and is a steady anchor for my own personal creative practice. I treasure your presence here.

To celebrate the new year, two months come free with yearly subscriptions. My usual approach is to just try to price things fairly and then not do a lot of gimmicks or sales, so typically we only have full-rate monthly memberships available. But for those who want to be a part of this space for 2024 at a really discounted rate, this is the moment, and you're invited!

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. There's Discord, my email (, Instagram - wherever you can find me, I'll be there for you!


ps. our next EDI live class is Saturday, January 20 at 12pm PST. Hope to see you there!